
Solution to hot stamping process problems of cloth bronzing paper
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I believe you have encountered all kinds of problems when using cloth bronzing paper for hot stamping. Today, let's talk about some common problems.
1、 How to do if there is flying gold in the fine lines of cloth bronzing paper?
(1) Cold perm, oblique tear;
(2) Select the bronzing paper with tight stripping layer;
(3) The temperature should not be too high, and the low temperature will be better;
(4) The pressure should not be too heavy.
2、 What if it changes color, darkens or glows blue?
(1) Should pay attention to control the hot stamping temperature, if the temperature is too high, easy to produce fog, paste, poor brightness and blistering;
(2) Select the pressure and time of hot stamping. The pressure and time of each hot stamping machine have deviation, so it can be adjusted flexibly.
3、 Cloth bronzing paper hot stamping effect flatness is not good how to do?
(1) It is related to the composition of bronzing paste and the thickness of hot-melt powder. The finer the hot-melt powder particles, the better the flatness;
(2) If the bronzing paste is too dry and uneven during printing, we should grasp the dryness.
4、 Cloth bronzing paper is not washable and easy to fall off. What should I do?
Reasons: (1) whether the bronzing paper is used incorrectly; (2) The bronzing paper does not conform to the bronzing paste; (3) Temperature or pressure not reached
Solutions: (1) replace the bronzing paper; (2) Replace the bronzing paper or bronzing paste; (3) Adjust the temperature and pressure.
5、 What if there are blank spots or trachoma when ironing a large area with cloth bronzing paper?
(1) Uneven pressure, pad; Increase the pressure or adjust the temperature;
(2) The bronzing paste is not brushed well, and the printing process is adjusted;
(3) The bronzing paste is too dry and the printing times are not enough; The bronzing paste is not thick enough.
6、 How to achieve good water washing resistance, good gloss and smooth Flatness:
Operate in the correct way, master the temperature, pressure and time, and select high-quality bronzing paste and bronzing paper.
7、 Folding of cloth bronzing paper during flat ironing:
(1) The paper is not tiled well; (2) If the pressure is too heavy, it shall be properly adjusted.
8、 Uneven peeling of flat ironing (good peeling in some places and incomplete peeling in some places):
(1) The bottom plate of the hot stamping machine is uneven, and the bottom surface shall be leveled;
(2) If the pressure is uneven, adjust the pressure appropriately (lighter or heavier);
(3) The bronzing paste was not brushed well, and the hot stamping time was not well controlled.
9、 What if you can't stand washing?
(1) Test the selection of filter bronzing paper or bronzing paste. Measure the water washing fastness 24 hours after printing. If the bronzing paste is not dry, it will be hot, and the bronzing paste must be dry;
(2) Choose high quality bronzing paper.
10、 What if the pattern of cloth bronzing paper is cracked?
The bronzing paste does not match the bronzing paper. It is recommended to replace the bronzing paste or bronzing paper.
11、 The advantages of bronzing paper over other printing materials are:
The pattern is clear, beautiful, bright colors and special metallic luster, which can make the finishing point, highlight the design, improve the product grade and have a more fashionable look.