
How to maintain the bronzing machine
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As a commonly used printing equipment, in the long-term use process, each part of the machine is easy to wear, and the gap will increase, which directly affects the original performance and hot stamping quality of the bronzing machine. Only by regularly maintaining the machine and parts, can we hot print a variety of ideal effects. How should we maintain it? The bronzing machine manufacturer tells you that you can start from the following five aspects:
1. Oiler
The oiler is a combined part of the bronzing machine. It is very necessary to disassemble and clean it regularly, so as to ensure the working efficiency of the machine.
2. Electrical box
The electrical box is the energy center of the whole bronzing machine. Therefore, we should take good care of it. If the electrical box fails, we should repair it in time. We can start from its electrical route and aging degree.
3. Fuselage
The operator should change the lubricating oil of the machine body regularly. If the lubricating oil is not changed regularly, the hot stamping speed of the bronzing machine will slow down and the printed product quality is not ideal.
If necessary, clean the inside and outside of the machine. For example, the linoleum should be free of paper scraps and dirt, and the oil pump and other parts should also be cleaned to ensure that the oil circuit of the machine is unblocked.
4. Cylinder
According to the use of the bronzing machine, the cylinder shall be maintained regularly. If it is not maintained for a long time, the cylinder will fail, so the cylinder needs to be replaced. The cost of replacing parts is quite large. Therefore, we should maintain it well in production, and check the inner wall, water interlayer and mirror. If there are traces, we should immediately clean the cylinder head or packing of the machine.
5. Instruments
The operator should always check the accuracy of the instrument, such as barometer, oil pressure gauge, etc. Without long-term maintenance, these instruments will age quickly, and their accuracy and sensitivity will decline. How to improve its accuracy? The following three points can be achieved: first, clean the load reducing valve of the machine, second, check and replace the vulnerable parts of the machine in time, and third, clean the pressure regulator in time.